A Comprehensive Legal Guide In Antitrust Matters

Antitrust is a very complex field involving many overlapping areas of law, and it is constantly changing. At Carbajal Law, we stay on top of new developments so that we can look out for our Las Vegas clients’ interests at all times. Antitrust investigation can be very intense. We are here to investigate the allegations that you face thoroughly and to defend you aggressively when litigation follows. Attorney Hector Carbajal has extensive experience defending antitrust clients in litigation at both the state and federal level, and is ready to start helping you today.

Protecting Your Business

Carbajal Law is here to fight for you when you are facing antitrust allegations, including:

  • Bid rigging
  • Price fixing
  • Money laundering
  • Tax evasion
  • Unlawful merger

Hector Carbajal has the in-depth knowledge and experience to handle your antitrust case from beginning through appeal. He represents Las Vegas area clients in state and federal courts and has earned the respect of his peers.

Antitrust litigation is very complex and requires in-depth knowledge and experience in order to negotiate successfully with state and federal regulators. Carbajal Law has the experience and the reputation to negotiate consent decrees and compliance packages that protect you and your interests.

Schedule A Meeting Now

If you are facing antitrust litigation, you are under tremendous stress. The future of your business and your own future may be at stake. Carbajal Law is here to fight for you tenaciously and exhaustively. To learn more about antitrust law, your rights and how we can help, please call us right away at 702-846-0040 or contact us online today and schedule your free initial consultation.